Posts Tagged ‘church construction’

I meeting with my Personal Board Of Directors this morning and thought I let you take a look into how I plan to engage these guys, who are my closets friends and most trusted advisors.  I’ve got to brag on them a bit

Brian Cole – Catalyst Conference – Handles all things production for the conferences

Brad Scholle – Orange Conference Operations guru – Husband to the Amazing Jenn from Atlanta Mission.  (no shame promoting that orginization)

Reggie Goodin – CFO of Rethink and the Orange Confernce founded by Reggie Joiner

Mark Cole – Business Manager for The John C. Maxwell Company and Dr. Les Parrott (You gotta check his video channel on marriage relationships when you’re done here)

Yes I’m bragging.  I’m incredibly blessed to have this group of guys keeping me straight.  I grew up in a small town and for much of my early years I was the “slow kid”  now I’m the slow adult and God’s over compensating for me.

Here is my outline for my Personal Board meeting:

Life – Intimacy With God

  • 9.5% Body Fat  – See Appendix A
  • Connect Daily with the trinity


Family – Live Love

  • 6 Life Memories in 2011 – See Appendix B


Marriage – Deep Emotional Connection

  • 4 Overnight Dates With Kristy – 1 Completed (Cruise in June)
  • 20 Dates – 4 Completed – need focus here


Work – Worship

  • Make a significant investment in 12 churches – See Appendix C
  • Write and Publish “Church Construction Quick Start Guide” – See Appendix D


Church – Serving

  • Missional Community Weekends 1 down 2 to go
  • High school Boys Small Group Leader – Begin May 1



  • Goal of Giving 10% this year net income – Currently Up to date.  Wrote a 950 check last night
  • Save 10% – Lord Help me
  • Live on the rest



  • Rest where I am while looking for ways I can be used



  • Investing in churches unwilling to move


Appendix A

Body Fat Plan

  • Paleo Diet for 30 Days
  • Assessment at the end of 30 Days and then every 30 days until goal is reached
  • Join Bodyplex with Todd before April 15th
  • Write down everything
  • Update my wardrobe as a reward
  • Date is Jun Goal e 30th


Appendix B

6 Life Memories

  • March 11th Miss Com
  • Project x
  • DC trip with Jordan in the summer
  • Camping trip


Appendix C

12 Churches

  1. LFBC – In Process
  2. Crosspoint – In Process
  3. BMBC – On Hold
  4. FSDA – In process
  5. AC – In Process
  6. HBC  – In Process
  7. Tulsa Matt – To re-engage
  8. SBC – Meeting Today
  9. TBD
  10. TBD
  11. TBD
  12. TBD


Appendix D

Quick Start Guide Schedule

  • Outline with sub-headings completed by April 15th
  • Blog each Title and subtitles
  • Publish by June 30th
  • Blog and Social Media Shock and Awe campaign beginning August 15th

To some of you this probably seems like overkill, and it may in fact be.  But I’ve walked with these guys for 8 years and much of what I am today I give them alot of credit for.   God moves me through them.

Who is moving you?

If you haven’t been reading my blog, you need to know I injured my back 4 weeks ago doing deadlifts at the gym.  I’ve also been training for the Publix Ga Half Marathon.  How do deadlifts fit into a half marathon training schedule you ask?  NOT VERY WELL!   So yesterday I showed up to run a race not having run in 4 weeks and the longest run I’d done was a 7 miler. 

Here are 3 Things that stink about lack of preparation

The first half marathon I ran I finished in 1:57.  This one I came in at 2:16.  I have very real evidence that my potential is greater than my performance, you may not have the advantage of quatifying your potential like I did.  all the more reason to make sure you prepare.  

When I think about the churches I’m in, I see the construction of new facilities to be a great opportunity to get some of the people in the church to sit down and, maybe for the first time, organize thier finances so they can contribute financially to the project and be a part of what God is doing through the church.  As leaders in the church we’re responsible for the church reaching its potential during seasons like this.  You have to prepare by having a written plan of how you will engage the staffe, the influnecers, the volunteers, and the general congregation if you want to reach your potential.


I saw a guy holding a posterboard that said “Pain is temporary”.  Right behind him there was a lady with a sign that read “But internet results last forever”.  The whole time I was running I found myself rehersing what I’m going to tell people when they ask what my finish time was.  Several of my close guy friends had planned to run the race and didn’t, and I was stressing over what I’m going to tell them.  They will ask ……but they don’t really care how fast or slow I am.  In fact, nobody cares!

That little voice in my head seems to be louder the less time I spend in prepartation.  Just like that little voice seems to wisper different things in my ear when I’m not connecting with God on a daily basis. 

Preperation for Church Construction takes on many differnt roles.  One of the most important is to have a clear understanding of exactly what God has called you to do in your community.  Every time that little voice pops up in a panic you can remind yourself, and your team that you are on a “mission from God” (Blues Brothers circa 1988).  Having a plan of how you will focus on Him when the tension rises is the best way to shut the little voice up.


About 2 hours after the race I could really begin to feel my39 year old body speaking to me (more of a speaking in tounges than that a wispering voice).  By last night I was rethinking my meeting schedule for today due to lack of ability to move.  You don’t always pay for lack of preparation in the moment. Sometimes it’s later, when it comes to building churches it can be several years down the road before you realize you weren’t properly prepaired. 

Not preparing for a race will cost me until the middle of the week maybe.  Not preparing your church for a season of church construction will cause you long term pain and suffering.  I spoke to a church last year that had to sell their facility and release the pastor because they built a building they couldn’t afford.   These are big, painful problems easily solved with a strategic preperation.

So that’s your three things, I learned alot more (funny how that happens when i don’t distract myself with and ipod) and I’ll share some of it down the road.  Before I let you go I want to add a fourth thing I learned as well.      

4. Sometimes the juice is with the squeeze

Sometimes you just have to go for it.  I’m no longer talking about building churches.  However, sometimes opportunities present themselves and you just have to say yes.  I bailed on this race 2 years ago becasue of a knee injury and I questioned it for a long time.  I knew that I wasn’t prepaired and yesterday would be a painful experince.  My beautiful, and wise bride Kristy kept asking me if this was “smart”.  I always said “nope, but I”m doing it anyway”.  Sometimes, even if you haven’t prepared properly, you have to keep promises you make to yourself because……. the juice is worth the squeeze. 

Tomorrow – Georgia Marathon Lesson 2

Tomorrow I’m going to talk about getting 18,000 people moving in the same direction while suffering for it.  Subscribe on the top left corner of my blog and have it come right to your inbox.

These are the notes I took from the first session of the Unleash Conference last week at Newspring Church where Perry Noble is the Lead Pastor.  If you’re looking for a one day “kick in the pants” I’d highly recommend it.

Matthew 25:34-43 (NIV)
“Then the King will say to those on his right, `Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. [35] For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, [36] I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ [37] “Then the righteous will answer him, `Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? [38] When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? [39] When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ [40] “The King will reply, `I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ [41] “Then he will say to those on his left, `Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. [42] For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, [43] I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’   
1. Make Jesus the end goal of all we do.
V35. People are walking into our churches and dehydrated and we have to give them the living water.  Told a story about being at a restaurant where they never brought him the food.  Many of our churches are not bringing the food.
The agenda is Jesus.  to hell with any other agenda because that is where it will end up….in hell.
We have to preach the Gospel.  If you don’t you will fail.  Social justice is not Jesus.
People don’t need a blanket they need Jesus.
2.  We must be more concerned with the outsider than the insider.
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
Can strangers show up to your church.  God doesn’t commend the church that doesn’t reach the world for Christ.  The man who buried the talent was called wicked and lazy.  “every now and then you have got to ask yourself” how can we piss off the religious people””
Disciples make disciples.  Mature people give up their right first.
3.  we must help people establish a new identity.
Always be able to explain yourself but never feel like you have to defend yourself.
Jesus never went to a funeral he always shut them down and he’s shutting down funerals all over the country in the form of dying churches.
The church has taught people to brag about their self righteousness and then we fail to live up to our own expectation.  We have to teach people that they are brand new.
Philippians 3:4-8 (NIV)
though I myself have reasons for such confidence. If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: [5] circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; [6] as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless. [7] But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. [8] What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ
he word rubbish is schobilat(sp).  It defines what Jesus thought about religion.
You’ve got to stop bringing the schobilat into the house of God and expect him to celebrate you.  We have to understand that he died for our sin.  We have to re-identify who we are.
4. We must be patient with people as they develop spiritually.
I was sick and you looked after me.  We have spiritually sick people showing up to our churches. We were that sick person and only by the grace of God is it any different now.
Can sick people show up and hang out in your church for years?  Do they feel accepted with their sickness.
5.  We must make it our mission to proclaim freedom in Christ.
Hosanna means please save or save now. People don’t need a cause they need a savior. Screw the organ and the stain glass windows.  We’re going to invest in things that matter.
Acts 2 – how amazing would it be to see 3000 people be saved in one day?  God told me right before this conference and said “you Can”..  If we all go back this Sunday and preach the gospel we can.

This was the Elevation Church renovation we completed last year.  Elevation, where Steven Furtick is the lead pastor has been one of the fastest growing churches in America over the last several years.   

This is a video I shot and edited yesterday of the Athens Church Renovation.  Athens Church is a Strategic Partner of North Point Community Church in Alpharetta Ga where Andy Stanley is the Lead Pastor.

If you want to stay up to date on this project make sure you subscribe to my blog at the top of the page.

Guest Blog – Bill Couchenour

More and more churches are finding that purchasing and repurposing existing buildings can be an effective way for developing the right ministry space. We asked the Cogun Project Consultants that are working directly with churches about what is driving this trend. Here are their Top Ten reasons why re-purposing buildings for ministry can be a good idea:

1. UNUSUAL MARKET CONDITIONS – More suitable buildings are empty and open in many areas. Commercial property is at unprecedented low prices.

2. DEVELOPED SITE – The parking lot, site lighting, and other site work is usually in place, so site approvals are usually significantly shorter. Site development fees are also minimal or non-existent.

3. TAX BENEFITS FOR SELLER – Many sellers can sell to churches cheaper since they may qualify for a tax break (discounted sale to non-profit).

4. REDEMPTION METAPHOR – “Redeeming” a decaying building is a powerful image to the community. The story of redemption can be told in renovation … renovation is restoration.

5. ADDITIONAL FUNDING POTENTIAL – Because renovation may be less costly than new construction, it has potential to allow more funds for Audio/Visual elements, thematic design, added staff, etc.

6. SPEED TO MINISTRY – Design and construction timelines are typically shorter giving more opportunity for ministry in the new facility.

7. LOCAL FAVOR – Local government agencies want to see these empty eyesores filled and are generally favorable to re-purposing existing buildings in the community.

8. FAMILIARITY – People in the area know about the building because it’s a recognizable location.

9. IT’S GREEN – Re-purposing existing buildings already have a footprint developed so there’s minimal added environmental impact.

10. CONTEXTUAL – Moving to an existing building potentially serves a population that otherwise would not have access to your ministry. It engages people where they are and in their context.

Before you go, check out our renovation progress on Athens Church (A North Point Community Church Strategic Partner)

This is one of the many creative ideas that Athens Church is using to create emotional buy-in from their church for their renovation project. Raising money can be more about life change and trusting God than church buildings… if you do it right.

Click Here Check out the details of the Athens Church project.

This past weekend I did two things for the first time.  I cut down an enormous tree in my yard, and I went to a local church for the first time.  Here is what learned from both.

The reason I had to cut the tree down wasn’t because of the tree itself, but the box elder bugs that like to have romantic interludes on it.  That’s right, the box elder tree is apparently the Poconos of the flora family and business is very good!  The exterminator said “you can’t get rid of the bugs if you don’t get rid of the tree”.  So in the name of Dave Ramsey, I decided to cut down the tree myself and save the $300 bucks.  So this little bug caused me to have a major job on my hands.

The church I visited yesterday has been on my mind for almost a year.  Long ago I drove by and felt God telling me to stop in and help them.  I stop by alot of churches with my job, so that isn’t unusual.  The prompting of the Holy Spirit IS ALWAYS unusual to me though.

So I connected with them and found out they are searching for a new pastor. Yesterday, on my first visit,  their youth pastor announced he will also be leaving.  After the sermon, I had a chance to speak to a couple of the key people on the search team and I could sense the emotion.  A very real frustration and hurt compounded by an up hill battle ahead of them.  There is a general sense of question about the future and the vision for this church.

So as stood beneath the tree that afternoon,  I had this church on my mind.   I was impressed about how much bigger it looked underneath it that it does from a distance.  You don’t really appreciate the power God placed in something as simple as a tree until there’s a real chance it could fall on you.  You’ll notice my emotion on the video.

So here is what I learned.  Trees, and life’s challenges, always look bigger when you stand beneath them.  So don’t stand under there by yourself.  Find someone who can help you take a look at the situation from a distance.  Get perspective, do your best, then stand back and watch God work.

What’s the tree your standing under right now?  Who will you talk with today about it?

Have an incredible day!

This is Stage 1.2.3. at Rock Bridge Community Church where Matt Evans is the Lead Pastor.  This building is more than 100 years old and was origianlly a Ford Dealership.

Click Here to see the Walmart we’re renovating now for North Point Strategic Partner Athens Church.

BTW – If you want to see how a real leader walks through the valley follow Matt’s Blog.

Here is a quick video about how banks view your existing debt when you are looking to secure funding for new construction or renovation.

Post a comment if you have any questions.